Kristin Nordhøy

Kristin Nordhøy was born in Oslo (1977) and received her artistic education from the Oslo National Academy of the Arts, with an MA in visual art in 2006. She lives and works in Oslo and Edinburgh.
Over the past 15 years, Nordhøy has developed a distinctive and mesmerizing visual language, executed as paintings on canvas, wall paintings, drawings and fine art prints. The works play with the physiology of sight and the psychology of perception, and take the viewer on a visual odyssey where the eye never stops moving. For Nordhøy, atonal soundscapes have been an important element in her creative processes. Through this identification, she is able to infuse her compositions with dissonance.
Her most recent solo exhibitions are “Jangle”, 2023, Ásmundarsalur, Reykjavik and “Resonant Field”, 2022, Cairn Gallery, Pittenweem. Her work is included in the collections of Norges Bank Art Collection, Norwegian Minstry of Foreign Affairs Art Collection, Pro Artibus Foundation, Finland, New York Public Library and The Erling Neby Collection, Oslo.

Selected works


Born 1977 in Oslo, Norway 

Lives and works in Oslo and Edinburgh


2004-06 Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Fine arts Major, Visual Arts 

2001-04 Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Bachelor, Visual Arts
2000-01 Oslo tegne og maleskole
 1996-98 Oslo tegne og maleskole

Solo exhibitions:
"Atonal", Galleri Riis, Oslo
Ásmundarsalur, Reykjavík, Island

 Cairn Gallery, Pittenweem, Scotland

2020 ”After a moment”, Galleri Haaken, Oslo, Norway

 ”Placed”, Loock gallery, Berlin, Germany

2017 ”Two/Fold”, Galleri Haaken, Oslo, Norway

Galleri LNM, Oslo, Norway

 Holodeck, Oslo, Norway

2011 Volt, Bergen, Norway

 ”Transparency”, Lautom Contemporary, Oslo, Norway
2010 Tegnerforbundet, Oslo

Group exhibitions:
 Drawing Biennial, Drawing Room, London

2024 ART SG, Singapore, represented by Poligrafa Obra Grafica, Barcelona
Market Art Fair, Stockholm, represented by Galleri Haaken

2021 Drawing Biennial, Drawing Room, London 

133. Høstutstilling, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway

 ”Cutting Edges”, The Collection of Erling Neby, Scandinavia House, New York
2019 The Armory Show, New York, represented by Loock Galerie, Berlin

2019 Drawing Biennial, Drawing Room, London

 Jubileumsutstilling LNM, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo

2018 ”Norsk Minimalisme?”, Blomqvist, Oslo

Guest in Kjell Varvin ́s exhibition ”Fri geometri – ustabile variabler” at Kunstnernes Hus 

2016 December exhibition på Ekely

2016 ”En kollektiv psykogeografisk guide til Oslo” Tegnebiennalen 2016 Galleri Haaken, duo-utstilling med Espen Dietrichson

2016 ”Theatre de l’absurde (Prequel)” Gabriel Rolt, Amsterdam 

2016 ”Living in Colours” Tenthaus, Oslo

2016 ”Fragmentenes helhet” Bærum Kunsthall
”Experiment i irritation”, Artifice #2, Stockholm (Artifice poster magazin exhibition)
”Copy, Paste, Add Layer”, Sinne, Helsinki

2013 ”SPACEGRIDS” Telemark Kunstnersenter, Skien

 ”125. Høstutstilling” Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
 Liste 16, Basel, represented by Lautom Contemporary
”Untitled, 2010”, Lautom Contemporary, Oslo

2010 ”Arctic Challenge – site spesific” Andørja, outdoor exhibition 
 Lautom Contemporary, Oslo 

 ”Norwegian Sommer” Galerie Gabriel Rolt, The Netherlands ”Første tanke = beste tanke” Tempo Skien
2009 ”Drawing Consequences” Akershus Kunstsenter, Lillestrøm

2009 ”Holiday in Arcadia” Lydgalleriet, Bergen
2008 ”High Come Down” Smia, Kristiansand
2008 The Drawing biennial, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2008 ”Rykk tilbake til start!” Projekt 0047
2007 Lautom Contemporary, Oslo, Duo exhibition with Ane Mette Hol ”Separat ́r” Hå gamle prestegård, Jæren 

”117.Høstutstilling” Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2004 ”Might & Magic” Seilduken, Oslo


Norges Bank Art Collection
Norwegian Minstry of Foreign Affairs Art Collection
Pro Artibus Foundation
New York Public Library
Erling Neby Collection


2019 Drawing Biennial, Drawing Room, London (Magazine)
LNM 1968/2018

2017 ”Interference” text by Simen Joachim Helsvig, published by Uten Tittel

”Copy Paste Add Layer”, exhibition catalog, text by Helena Björk, Galleri Sinne