Bård Breivik
Selected Works: 1980-2003
January 25 – March 02, 2003, Oslo

Galleri Brandstrup and Galleri Riis have joined forces to present a comprehensive selection of Bård Breivik’s works from the last 20 years. The exhibition takes place in our respective galleries, and a number of larger works will be shown outdoors at Galleri Brandstrup.

Over the last 25 years, Breivik has been a frequent exhibitor in Oslo, with large installations of particular groups of works, for example “Fiber" at the Henie Onstad Kunstsenter in 1981, monumental works in stone at the hay depot at Akershus Castle in 1987, and the NEBB area in Skøyen in 1990. In addition, new works, on a scale for gallery display, have been regularly presented at Galleri Riis and other exhibition venues.

When, in 1996, the Malmö Konsthall invited Breivik to exhibit there, the public was afforded its first opportunity to experience a collective presentation of works from his entire career, inclusive of the ongoing series of “boat-shaped” wall sculptures, the Oar series from the 1970’s, monumental and intimate stone works, as well as the large wall constructions in brass wire. All of the works were displayed in a large, open room, non-chronologically, like a continuous landscape.

With this exhibition, Galleri Brandstrup and Galleri Riis would advance further the Malmö exhibition’s concept by combining the early and the recent, the intimate and the monumental, the serially and the individually conceived works. The exhibition will contain works from “Fiber” and other earlier, craft and material focused constructions, to more recent hi-tech based objects.
Breivik (b. 1948) lives and works in Oslo, but also in recent years has spent time in China, where he has discovered new possibilities for the production of his works.

Installation views