Olav Christopher Jenssen
some Secrets some Thinking Bells some Late Palindromes some Time Paintings some Brown Paintings
May 08 – June 15, 2003, Oslo

Galleri Riis will on Thursday, May 8th, open an exhibition with new works by Olav Christopher Jenssen.

Jenssen (b. 1954) lives and works in Berlin, and is Professor of Painting at the Hochschule für Bildende Kunst in Hamburg. The exhibition in Galleri Riis is one of two parts; the second of which opens in Galleri Susanne Ottesen in Copenhagen, Friday May 9th. The exhibitions in both Oslo and Copenhagen consist of works from the past two years, mainly large paintings, but also a group of ceramic sculptures entitled “The Thinking Bells".

Part of the works on display here were first shown in the large presentation of Jenssen’s works in Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Newcastle, in December 2002- February 2003.

The works shown here will be part of a large exhibition organized by Kunstmuseum Bonn, in October-November of this year.

The most recent presentation of Olav Christopher Jenssen’s works here in Norway, was the 2000 Festspillutstillingen “Palindrome" in Bergen Kunstforening, and the retrospective exhibition “Biographie" in the Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art in Oslo, in 1997.

Installation views