Olav Christopher Jenssen
September 20 – November 02, 2024

Olav Christopher Jenssen
New paintings, works on paper and ceramic sculptures
September 20 – November 2, 2024
Opening reception on Friday, September 20, 5 – 8 pm

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We are pleased to announce an exhibition of new and recent works by longstanding gallery artist Olav Christopher Jenssen (b. 1954). For Jenssen, who turned 70 this April, the past year has been challenging, but also remarkably prolific and artistically flourishing. The exhibition Begleiter will present new works across mediums; fifty ceramic sculptures, eighty works on paper and four large paintings. This will be his 20th exhibition with the gallery.

In the winter of 2023, Olav Christopher Jenssen suffered a stroke which caused permanent damage to his vision. At the time, he was busy preparing his studio to start work on a new series of large paintings, but impeded by his reduced vision, the canvases were put on hold for an indefinite period. In the early stage of convalescence, he intuitively turned to clay and started building and shaping ceramic sculptures, all varying in size and complexity, but easily identified as a family of mysterious personalities and habitats, evoking a hidden fairytale world. Entitled Begleiter, the German word for companion, their highly saturated glazes span from shades of brown and black to bright pastels and mineral hues.

Parallel to his work with the ceramics, Jenssen gradually picked up his Journal series of mixed media drawings on paper, a body of work that has been ongoing since 1986 and, when seen together, reads like a diary of his artistic life. The works made over the past year show a multitude of imagery and styles, from monochrome line drawings to richly textured and vibrantly coloured compositions made with various crayons, pastels and watercolor. This exhibition also marks the publication of Journal Vol. 08, a new book featuring a selection of recent works from the series published by Buchkunst Kleinheinrich in collaboration with Galleri Riis. The Journal book-series has become an important part of Jenssen’s ouvre and display his longstanding interest in designing and illustrating publications, both his own as well as for several leading contemporary and modern Scandinavian writers published by Kleinheinrich in Germany.

Early this year, Jenssen returned to his large canvases and has now completed a suite of 4 paintings, in a series entitled A Day Behind executed with oil on canvas, all in a duo-chromatic style, with fine laces and bursts of white oil paint over a deep cadmium red ground.

The exhibition Begleiter is a materialization of how, for Olav Christopher Jenssen, artistic endeavours are persistent – or in his own words: “simply an ongoing thing” – also when life takes unexpected turns.

Olav Christopher Jenssen (b. 1954 Sortland, Norway) is one of the foremost artists of his generation from the Nordic countries and has gained international recognition for his distinctive and multifaceted paintings, as well as for his idiosyncratic sculptures. His production includes drawing, watercolor, graphic works, book illustration and publications. Working simultaneously with multiple series and mediums, Jenssen alternates between the different works mentally and physically; from informal and rapidly painted pictures to more strict and formal paintings, in very large as well as intimate formats. Always exploring and adopting new methods and techniques, his works contain both continuity and diversity, therein emerging a rich visual vocabulary. The paintings open up a philosophical space for dialogue and reflection, encouraging the viewer to unveil strata of paint and decipher cryptic symbols, as on a journey through the history of abstract painting. Jenssen has over the years produced several public commissions ranging from murals and wall reliefs to freestanding monumental sculptures.
Jenssen lives and works in Berlin and in Lya, Sweden. He was appointed professor at Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Hamburg i 1996, and has since 2007 held a professorship at Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig in Germany. He is represented in important public collections, including the Museum of Modern Art, New York, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Astrup Fearnley Museum, Oslo, Centre Pompidou, Paris, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Kiasma, Helsinki, Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, Marta Herford, Germany and The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design in Oslo. He has had major exhibitions at the Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, and Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany. Recent exhibitions include «Enigma» Marta Herford, Germany, «Journal – works on paper 1979-2012» Henie Onstad Art Centre, Høvikodden, Norway, «Olav Christopher Jenssen» Saarlandmuseum, Saarbrücken, Germany, «Estragon» Sprengel Museum, Hannover, Germany. In 2019, the Astrup Fearnley Museum in Oslo featured an impressive display of his works in the museums’ collection.

Olav Christopher Jenssen
Nye malerier, arbeider på papir og skulpturer i keramikk
20 september – 2 november, 2024

Vi er glade for å kunne invitere til utstilling med nye verk av Olav Christopher Jenssen (f. 1954). Jenssen er en av kunstnerne som har samarbeidet lengst med Galleri Riis, og dette er hans 20. utstilling i galleriet, siden den første i 1985.
For Jenssen, som fylte 70 år i april, har det siste året vært utfordrende, men også bemerkelsesverdig produktivt og kunstnerisk nyskapende. Utstillingen Begleiter inneholder nye verk på tvers av medier; femti keramiske skulpturer, åtti arbeider på papir og fire store malerier.

Vinteren 2023 fikk Olav Christopher Jenssen en hjerneblødning som førte til varige skader i synsenteret. Da det skjedde var han i gang med forberedelser til å starte arbeidet med en ny serie store malerier, som på grunn av sykdommen ble satt på vent. I den tidlige fasen av rekonvalesens grep han intuitivt til leire og begynte å forme skulpturer, alle varierende i størrelse og kompleksitet, men lett gjenkjennelige som en familie av mystiske personligheter og habitater som leder tankene til en skjult eventyrverden. Skulpturene har fått tittelen Begleiter, det tyske ordet for ledsager/følgesvenn, og har et rikt spekter av mettede glasurer som spenner fra nyanser av brunt og svart til lyse pasteller og mineraltoner.

Parallelt med arbeidet med skulpturene tok Jenssen gradvis opp sin serie Journal, som består av arbeider i blandet teknikk på papir i boksideformat, et prosjekt som har pågått siden 1986, og sett samlet kan det leses som en dagbok over hans kunstneriske virke. Verkene han har laget i løpet av det seneste året viser et mangfold av former og uttrykk, fra monokrome strektegninger til rike teksturer og vitale komposisjoner laget med fargestifter, pastellkritt og akvarell. Denne utstillingen markerer utgivelsen av Journal Vol. 08, en ny publikasjon med et utvalg av de seneste arbeider fra serien, utgitt av Buchkunst Kleinheinrich i samarbeid med Galleri Riis. Bøkene i Journal-serien har blitt en viktig del av Jenssens oeuvre og eksemplifiserer hans langvarige interesse for bokdesign og illustrasjon av publikasjoner, både hans egne og for flere ledende samtidige og modernistiske skandinaviske forfattere utgitt av Kleinheinrich i Tyskland.

Tidlig dette året vendte Jenssen tilbake til sine store lerreter og har nå fullført en serie på fire abstrakte malerier, kalt A Day Behind. Alle er utført med kun to farger, og har finmaskete nett, linjer og strøk av hvit oljemaling over en dyp kadmiumrød grunn.

Utstillingen Begleiter er en bekreftelse på hvordan kunstnerisk ambisjon og produksjon er en vedvarende tilstand for Olav Christopher Jenssen, eller med hans egne ord – “rett og slett en kontinuerlig prosess” – selv når livet tar uventede vendinger.

Exhibited works

Installation views