Troels WörselPaintingsMay 27 – June 27, 2004, Oslo

On Thursday, May 27th, Galleri Riis will open its third exhibition of the work of Danish painter, Troels Wörsel (b.1950). Wörsel moved to Germany in the 1980’s, where he became a part of the internationally oriented artworld. After seven years residence in Pietrasanta, Italy, he is again living in Cologne. Wörsel has exhibited in galleries and museums throught Europe, expecially in Denmark and Germany, as well as in the U.S. He is represented in the collections of the Stadtisches Kunstmuseum in Bonn, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Humlebaek and the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Wörsel’s works were last seen in Oslo in 2002, when he was the First Prize winner at the Carnegie Art Awards exhibition at Kunstnernes Hus.
The current exhibition at Galleri Riis is comprised of new works in a medium-sized format, done in acrylic on canvas. The picture medium in itself occupies Wörsel, and he has a conscious relationship to its inexhaustible possibilities and qualities. He extracts picture-making elements such as color, motif, technique, composition and perspective, and adapts them in order to reintroduce them back into the picture surface. In this exhibition there is the suggestion of expressive interchange between that complete control through close adaptation of the picture elements, and the artist’s surrender of both personal style and control. In order to attain this, Wörsel has previously, among other things, experimented with fastening a paintbrush to an electric drill. In other pictures there exist taut geometric surface patterns as well as the use of both personal and found photographs.