Stein RønningTracing the score IIJune 02 – June 18, 2016, Oslo

Galleri Riis is proud to present Tracing the score II, a group of new works by Stein Rønning.
“It´s a field, a set or a group, both an open series and a unit, enclosed in an ensemble. No elements are identical and there is no premeditated correlation between the parts.”
Rønning continues his interest in combining painting, photography and object, here distilled in 12 smaller works that are either c-print or painted surfaces on shaped and constructed MDF supports. The c-prints seem to camouflage as painted surfaces and the finely tuned nuances among the works themselves command a heightened sense of attention in the viewer, as well as a calibration of the exhibition space.
Parts of Tracing the score II were shown in the exhibition Unflatten at Prosjektrom Normanns in Stavanger earlier this year.
This is our sixth exhibition with Stein Rønning (b. Askim 1953) who lives and works in Oslo. After nearly 3 decades of teaching and holding several professorships, most recent at Bergen National Academy of the Arts, 2008-11, he has over the last years exhibited frequently, with one person exhibitions in Trondhjems Kunstforening, Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall in Arendal and Kristiansand Kunsthall. Groupshows include Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum in Tromsø, F.O.D.O, Waterloo Action Centre, London, Gallery D.O.R., Brüssel, Armory Show, New York and Carnegie Art Award. Concurrent with his last exhibition of objects, Esplaceant (unfinished business), in Galleri Riis 2014, Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo hosted Rønning´s major solo exhibition Hierlieu of new photographic works.
Opening reception on Thursday June 2 from 5 to 7 pm.